options(scipen = 999)
df_sound <-
unit = c(
seq(20, 90, by = 10)
# 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6),
sound = c(
"one", "two", "three", "four", "five",
"six", "se-ven", "eight", "nine", "ten",
"e-le-ven", "twelve", "thir-teen", "four-teen", "fif-teen",
"six-teen", "sev-en-teen", "eight-teen", "nine-teen",
"twen-ty", "thir-ty", "four-ty", "fif-ty",
"six-ty", "seven-ty", "eigh-ty", "nine-ty"
Base data:
I made a small dataset that has syllables for numbers 1:19, then by 10s from 20-90
sample_n(df_sound, 10) |>
1 |
one |
3 |
three |
5 |
five |
6 |
six |
7 |
se-ven |
9 |
nine |
12 |
twelve |
18 |
eight-teen |
30 |
thir-ty |
60 |
six-ty |
nth_digit <- function(x, n, end = n) {
string = x,
start = -n,
end = -end
) |>
nth_digit(7654321, 5)
nth_digit(7654321, 5, end = 1)
all_nums <-
tibble(number = 1:1e6) %>% #1e6
#sample_n(8) |>
#filter(number %in% c(690263, 512608, 57002)) |>
#arrange(desc(number)) |>
# slice(1:100) %>%
d7 = nth_digit(number, 7),
d6 = nth_digit(number, 6),
d5 = case_when(
between(nth_digit(number, 5, 4), 10L, 19L) ~ nth_digit(number, 5, 4),
TRUE ~ nth_digit(number, 5) * 10L
d4 = case_when(
nth_digit(number, 4) == 0 ~ NA_integer_,
between(nth_digit(number, 5, 4), 10L, 19L) ~ NA_integer_,
TRUE ~ nth_digit(number, 4)
d3 = case_when(
nth_digit(number, 3) == 0 ~ NA_integer_,
TRUE ~ nth_digit(number, 3)
d2 = case_when(
nth_digit(number, 2) == 0 ~ NA_integer_,
between(nth_digit(number, 2, 1), 10L, 19L) ~ nth_digit(number, 2, 1),
TRUE ~ nth_digit(number, 2) * 10L
d1 = case_when(
between(nth_digit(number, 2, 1), 10, 19) ~ NA_integer_,
TRUE ~ nth_digit(number, 1)
) %>%
mutate_all(as.integer) %>%
mutate(d7 = ifelse(, "", "one mill-i-on")) |>
get_joins <-
all_nums |>
# filter(number == 608035) |>
left_join(transmute(df_sound, d6 = unit, sound_6 = paste0(sound, "-hund-red"))) %>%
left_join(select(df_sound, d5 = unit, sound_5 = sound)) %>%
left_join(select(df_sound, d4 = unit, sound_4 = sound)) %>%
left_join(transmute(df_sound, d3 = unit, sound_3 = paste0(sound, "-hund-red"))) %>%
left_join(select(df_sound, d2 = unit, sound_2 = sound)) %>%
left_join(select(df_sound, d1 = unit, sound_1 = sound)) |>
I then pull out those same numbers from my data to get a table like this (pivoted):
combine_text <-
get_joins |>
#filter(number == 608035)
mutate(across(where(is.character), replace_na, "")) |>
c_100k = paste(sound_6, sound_5, sound_4) |> trimws(),
c_100 = paste(sound_3, sound_2, sound_1) |> trimws()
) |>
c_100k = ifelse(c_100k == "", "", paste(c_100k, "thous-and")),
final =
paste(c_100k, c_100, sep = " ") |>
str_replace_all(" {2,}", " ") |>
syllables = str_count(final, "\\w+")
) |>
combine_text |>
filter(number %in% c(123456, 1234)) |>
mutate_all(as.character) |>
pivot_longer(-number) |>
names_from = number,
values_from = value
d7 |
d6 |
NA |
1 |
d5 |
NA |
20 |
d4 |
1 |
3 |
d3 |
2 |
4 |
d2 |
30 |
50 |
d1 |
4 |
6 |
sound_6 |
one-hund-red |
sound_5 |
twen-ty |
sound_4 |
one |
three |
sound_3 |
two-hund-red |
four-hund-red |
sound_2 |
thir-ty |
fif-ty |
sound_1 |
four |
six |
c_100k |
one thous-and |
one-hund-red twen-ty three thous-and |
c_100 |
two-hund-red thir-ty four |
four-hund-red fif-ty six |
final |
one thous-and two-hund-red thir-ty four |
one-hund-red twen-ty three thous-and four-hund-red fif-ty six |
syllables |
9 |
14 |
What I learned
combine_text |>
number:d1, #t_100k, t_100,
final, syllables
) |>
ggplot(aes(syllables)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth = 1, color = "black") +
#theme(aspect.ratio = 1/1.6) +
labels = scales::number_format(scale = 1/1000, suffix = "K")
) +
title = "There are 330K numbers between 1 and 1M that have 14 syllables",
y = "# of numbers"
) |> plotly::ggplotly()
how long would it take?
# syllables per second, my friend was able to count to 100 in 60 seconds
sps <-
sum(combine_text$syllables[1:100]) / 60
tibble(n = 10^(2:6)) |>
mins = map_dbl(
.x = n,
.f =
~(sum(combine_text$syllables[1:.x]) / sps / 60) |>
units = case_when(
mins > 60 * 24 ~ "days",
mins > 60 ~ "hours",
TRUE ~ "mins"
value =
mins / case_when(
units == "days" ~ 60 * 24,
units == "hours" ~ 60,
TRUE ~ 1
n = scales::number(n, big.mark = ","),
) |>
counting = glue("1 to {n} would take {value} {units}")
1 to 100 would take 1 mins |
1 to 1,000 would take 19 mins |
1 to 10,000 would take 4.6 hours |
1 to 100,000 would take 2.4 days |
1 to 1,000,000 would take 30.1 days |
If a person had 1 min rest for every 5 min of speaking for 8 hours a day, it would take an even longer time for them to finish
total_mins = sum(combine_text$syllables) / sps / 60, # total min (43K min)
with_breathing = total_mins * 19/17, # 1 breath every 17 syllables (48K min)
with_rests = with_breathing * (6/5), # 6 min for every 5 (58K min)
n_hours = with_rests / 60, # convert to hours (968 hours)
n_8_hour_days = n_hours / 8, # max 8 hours per day (122.8 days)
n_business_days = n_8_hour_days * 7/5 # weekends off (170.8 days)
) |>
gather("metric", "time") |>
metric =
metric |>
str_replace_all("_", " ") |>
str_replace_all("N ", "# ") |>
time = scales::number(time, big.mark = ",")
Total Mins |
43,327 |
With Breathing |
48,424 |
With Rests |
58,109 |
N Hours |
968 |
N 8 Hour Days |
121 |
N Business Days |
169 |