Pivots data and summarizes factor frequencies by field and generates stats used for plotting
summarize_factors_all_fields(df, ...)
df | dataframe to evaluate |
... | Arguments passed on to
The list option includes the original min/max of the data and the grand average.
summarize_factors_all_fields(df = iris, dv = Sepal.Length)#> # A tibble: 26 x 9 #> field value factor_avg n field_p_value method statistic df grand_avg #> * <fct> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <int> <dbl> #> 1 Sepal.~ 02 [~ 5.31 7 2.76e- 2 Krusk~ 18.7 9 5.84 #> 2 Sepal.~ 03 [~ 5.89 22 2.76e- 2 Krusk~ 18.7 9 5.84 #> 3 Sepal.~ 04 [~ 6.22 24 2.76e- 2 Krusk~ 18.7 9 5.84 #> 4 Sepal.~ 05 [~ 6.02 37 2.76e- 2 Krusk~ 18.7 9 5.84 #> 5 Sepal.~ 06 [~ 5.69 31 2.76e- 2 Krusk~ 18.7 9 5.84 #> 6 Sepal.~ 07 [~ 5.26 10 2.76e- 2 Krusk~ 18.7 9 5.84 #> 7 Sepal.~ 08 [~ 5.75 11 2.76e- 2 Krusk~ 18.7 9 5.84 #> 8 Petal.~ 01 [~ 4.98 37 1.79e-22 Krusk~ 121. 8 5.84 #> 9 Petal.~ 02 [~ 5.07 13 1.79e-22 Krusk~ 121. 8 5.84 #> 10 Petal.~ 05 [~ 5.49 8 1.79e-22 Krusk~ 121. 8 5.84 #> # ... with 16 more rows# similar to other functions, you can see the attributes summarize_factors_all_fields(df = iris, dv = Sepal.Length) %>% attr("about")#> $avg_type #> [1] "mean" #> #> $avg_fn #> function (x, ...) #> UseMethod("mean") #> <bytecode: 0x0000000015997b68> #> <environment: namespace:base> #> #> $dv #> [1] "Sepal.Length" #> #> $dv_binary #> [1] FALSE #> #> $grand_avg #> [1] 5.843333 #> #> $field_types #> Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species unique_id #> "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "numeric" "factor" "integer" #>