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Given two values, headline() will use glue syntax to string together "talking points". For example headline(8, 10) will describe a difference of 2 and can be expressed as headline(8, 10, headline = "changed by {delta} ({raw_delta_p}%)"). This returns "changed by 2 (-20%)".


  headline = "{trend} of {delta} ({orig_values})",
  if_match = "There was no difference",
  trend_phrases = headliner::trend_terms(),
  plural_phrases = NULL,
  orig_values = "{x} vs. {y}",
  n_decimal = 1,
  round_all = TRUE,
  multiplier = 1,
  return_data = FALSE

  headline = "{trend} of {delta} ({orig_values})",
  if_match = "There was no difference.",
  trend_phrases = headliner::trend_terms(),
  plural_phrases = NULL,
  orig_values = "{x} vs. {y}",
  n_decimal = 1,
  round_all = TRUE,
  multiplier = 1,
  return_data = FALSE



a numeric value to compare to the reference value of 'y'


a numeric value to act as a control for the 'x' value


a string to format the final output. Uses glue syntax


arguments passed to glue_data


string to display if numbers match, uses glue syntax


list of values to use for when x is more than y or x is less than y. You can pass it just trend_terms (the default) and call the result with "...{trend}..." or pass is a named list (see examples)


named list of values to use when difference (delta) is singular (delta = 1) or plural (delta != 1)


a string using glue syntax. example: ({x} vs {y})


numeric value to limit the number of decimal places in the returned values.


logical value to indicate if all values should be rounded. When FALSE, the values will return with no modification. When TRUE (default) all values will be round to the length specified by 'n_decimal'.


number indicating the scaling factor. When multiplier = 1 (default), 0.25 will return 0.25. When multiplier = 100, 0.25 will return 25.


logical to indicate whether function should return the talking points used to compose the headline


a list with values to compare, if named, can call by name


Returns a character vector the same length as the input,


headline() relies heavily on glue_data. Objects can be combined into a headline using the following search path: If given

delta <- 123
headline(1, 3, delta = "abc")

delta is one of the "talking points" from compare_values() and would usually return "2" but because we passed the named variable delta = "none", headline() (really glue_data) will look first at the named variables, then at the result of compare_values() then in the global environment. So in the example above, the output will return "decrease of xxxxxx (1 vs. 3)"


# values can be manually entered, some headlines are provided by default
headline(10, 8)
#> increase of 2 (10 vs. 8)
headline(8, 10)
#> decrease of 2 (8 vs. 10)
headline(1:3, 3:1)
#> decrease of 2 (1 vs. 3)
#> There was no difference
#> increase of 2 (3 vs. 1)

# most likely you'll edit the headline by hand
  x = 10,
  y = 8,
  headline = "There was a ${delta} {trend} vs last year"
#> There was a $2 increase vs last year

# you can also adjust the phrasing of higher/lower values
  x = 10,
  y = 8,
  headline = "Group A was {trend} by {delta_p}%.",
  trend_phrases = trend_terms(more = "higher", less = "lower")
#> Group A was higher by 25%.

# a phrase about the comparion can be edited by providing glue syntax
# 'c' = the 'compare' value, 'r' = 'reference'
headline(10, 8, orig_values = "{x} to {y} people")
#> increase of 2 (10 to 8 people)

# you can also add phrases for when the difference = 1 or not
  x = 10,
  y = 8,
  plural_phrases = list(
    were = plural_phrasing(single = "was", multi = "were"),
    people = plural_phrasing(single = "person", multi = "people")
  headline = "there {were} {delta} {people}"
#> there were 2 people

# you can also adjust the rounding, the default is 1
headline(0.1234, 0.4321)
#> decrease of 0.3 (0.1 vs. 0.4)
headline(0.1234, 0.4321, n_decimal = 3)
#> decrease of 0.309 (0.123 vs. 0.432)
# or use a multiplier
headline(0.1234, 0.4321, multiplier = 100)
#> decrease of 30.9 (12.3 vs. 43.2)

# there are many components you can assemble
  x = 16,
  y = 8,
  headline = "there was {article_delta_p}% {trend}, \\
  {add_article(trend)} of {delta} ({orig_values})"
#> there was a 100% increase, an increase of 8 (16 vs. 8)

# compare_conditions() produces a one-row data frame that can be
# passed to headline_list()
pixar_films |>
    x = (rating == "G"),
    y = (rating == "PG"),
  ) |>
    headline = "On average, G-rated films score {delta} points {trend} than \\
    PG films on Rotten Tomatoes",
    trend_phrases = trend_terms(more = "higher", less = "lower")
#> On average, G-rated films score 3.6 points lower than PG films on Rotten Tomatoes

# if you have more than 2 list items, you can specify them by name
  x = 1,
  y = 2,
  z = 3
 ) |>
    x = x,
    y = z
#> decrease of 2 (1 vs. 3)